At Gelamax, we understand that circumstances can change, and you may need to cancel an order. We aim to streamline the cancellation process for our customers. Please carefully review our cancellation policy before making a purchase.
Cancellation Before Shipment
If you wish to cancel an order before it has been shipped, please contact our customer service team at [email protected] as soon as possible. While we will make every effort to accommodate your request, we cannot guarantee cancellation if the order has already been processed for shipping.
If the order has not yet shipped, we will cancel it and issue a full refund to your original method of payment. Please allow up to 4-6 business days for the refund to be reflected in your account, depending on your original method of payment.
If the order has already shipped, you will need to follow our return policy to return the item for a refund. You will be responsible for covering the return shipping costs, and please note that shipping costs are non-refundable.
Cancellation After Shipment
If you need to cancel an order after it has been shipped, please contact our customer service team at [email protected] immediately. While we will do our best to assist you, we cannot guarantee cancellation once the order is in transit.
In such cases, you will need to follow our return policy to return the item for a refund. You will be responsible for the return shipping costs, and please note that shipping costs are non-refundable.
Please be aware that a refund will be subject to our return policy criteria. We reserve the right to refuse a refund if the returned item does not meet the specified criteria.
Cancellation of a Pre-Order Item
If you wish to cancel a pre-ordered item, please contact our customer service team at [email protected] as soon as possible.
If the pre-ordered item has not yet shipped, we will cancel the pre-order and issue a full refund to your original method of payment. Please allow up to 4-6 business days for the refund to be reflected in your account, depending on your original method of payment.
If the pre-ordered item has already shipped, you will need to follow our return policy to return the item for a refund. You will be responsible for covering the return shipping costs, and please note that shipping costs are non-refundable.
Please be aware that a refund will be subject to our return policy criteria. We reserve the right to refuse a refund if the returned item does not meet the specified criteria.
Cancellation of a Back-Ordered Item
If you have ordered an item that is currently back-ordered and wish to cancel the order, please contact our customer service team at [email protected] as soon as possible.
If the back-ordered item has not yet shipped, we will cancel the order and issue a full refund to your original method of payment. Please allow up to 4-6 business days for the refund to be reflected in your account, depending on your original method of payment.
If the back-ordered item has already shipped, you will need to follow our return policy to return the item for a refund. You will be responsible for covering the return shipping costs, and please note that shipping costs are non-refundable.
Please be aware that a refund will be subject to our return policy criteria. We reserve the right to refuse a refund if the returned item does not meet the specified criteria.
Cancellation of a Subscription
If you wish to cancel a product or service subscription, please contact our customer service team at [email protected] as soon as possible.
If you cancel the subscription before the next billing cycle, you will not be charged for future billing cycles. However, we cannot provide refunds for previous billing cycles.
If you cancel the subscription after the next billing cycle has commenced, you will be charged for the current billing cycle but not for future billing cycles.
Please be aware that we reserve the right to cancel a subscription at any time and for any reason. In the event of a cancellation by us, we will issue a pro-rated refund for any unused portion of the subscription.
Cancellation of a Service
If you have purchased a service and wish to cancel it, please contact our customer service team at [email protected] as soon as possible.
If the cancellation occurs before the service has been provided, we will issue a full refund to your original method of payment. Please allow up to 4-6 business days for the refund to be reflected in your account, depending on your original method of payment.
If the cancellation occurs after the service has been provided, we will not provide a refund.
Please be aware that we reserve the right to cancel a service at any time and for any reason. In the event of a cancellation by us, we will issue a pro-rated refund for any unused portion of the service.
Changes to the Cancellation Policy
We reserve the right to modify our cancellation policy at any time. Please review the policy periodically. Any changes will be posted on our website, with the date of the last update indicated at the top of the policy.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns regarding our cancellation policy, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer service team at [email protected]. We are here to assist you in any way we can.